Procession of Buddha Relics and Mahapitaka at Wihara Ekayana Arama, Indonesia


(WAki International Media Center 28nd December) The speech of Dr. Teo Choo Guan, President of Waki Relic Museum Procession of Buddha Relics and Mahapitaka at Wihara Ekayana Arama, Jakarta, Indonesia on 17th December 2022.

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Dhamma Greeting to the most respected Venerable Bhikku Aryamitri, all the Sangha members from different parts of Indonesia, brothers and sisters in dhamma. Today is an auspicious day that we are honoured to be present at the Exhibition, Procession of Buddha Relics and Mahapitaka.


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My heartfelt thanks that we had met the late Sayadaw U Kittivara, who was so trusting and supportive us during his life time. Therefore, we will carry out the Relic Missionary works continually and fulfill the wishes of the late Sayadaw on preserve and enshrine the Buddha and His Disciples’ relics for flourish and prolong the Buddhism into another 2,500 years. Buddhism spread to Indonesia since the fifth century AD, the Borobudur temple also known as “thousand buddha pagoda”, which enshrines the relics of the Buddha, is one of the four ancient wonders in the East. The architecture of the Borobudur temple shows and records many important stories, figures and wisdom of the Buddhism. Meanwhile, it preserves the glorious history and culture of Buddhism in Indonesia, which has become the pride of Indonesians. Today, representatives from different parts of Indonesia have gathered here to build and receive the relics of the Buddha and his disciples to enshrine in your own temple. Our presence here is not a coincidence. We are able to meet today on this joyous occasion because of the affinity we have done in this life.

Relics are the holy veneration from the Buddha and his disciples for devotees to enshrine and pay homage. The relics of the Buddha have been divided and distributed to three places, which are deva realm, naga realm and human realm for enshrinement. The relics in the human realm are divided by Drona Brahmin into 8 portions for eight kings to enshrine in the pagodas. After 200 years later, the King Ashoka had built 84,000 stupas and enshrined relics of the noble ones to distribute to all over Asia countries, and thus many people began to have faith in Buddhism and be able to follow the path of the Buddha until today.

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Throughout 2500 years, the relics have been preserved and enshrined well from generation to generation so that we have this auspicious chance to pay homage and enshrine the relics of Buddha and his disciples today. In addition, I am very joyful the Relics of Buddha and his disciples in Waki Relic Pagoda for enshrining in many temples of Indonesia. Therefore, more people can pay homage and recollect the great virtues of the Buddha, as the guardian of the light to the Buddhism and connect Buddhists globally in this new era. May the Buddha's light brighten up our heart and build up our faith towards the triple gems for us to follow the teaching of the Buddha. Eventually we are free from sufferings and be able to attain Nibbana. Therefore, I hope we will continue this missionary effort together to flourish and propagate the Buddha sasana to another 2500 years.

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Lastly, I would like thanks to the most respected Venerable Bhikkhu Aryamaitri and all Sangha members give us the blessing and all the guests attending the ceremony. I wish all of you have good health, wisdom, good business and wish be fulfilled and free from the disaster. Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu.

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Tuyên bố miễn trừ trách nhiệm: Bài viết này được sao chép từ các phương tiện khác. Mục đích của việc in lại là để truyền tải thêm thông tin. Điều đó không có nghĩa là trang web này đồng ý với quan điểm của nó và chịu trách nhiệm về tính xác thực của nó và không chịu bất kỳ trách nhiệm pháp lý nào. Tất cả tài nguyên trên trang web này được thu thập trên Internet. Mục đích chia sẻ chỉ dành cho việc học và tham khảo của mọi người. Nếu có vi phạm bản quyền hoặc sở hữu trí tuệ, vui lòng để lại tin nhắn cho chúng tôi.

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